11 Signs That You Have Philophobia: The Fear Of Falling In Love

One very effectiveDBT skillfor helping someone with philophobia is half-smiling. Talk to your doctor or therapist to see if MBSR can help you to reduce the intensity of your symptoms of philophobia, as well as where to find MBSR programs in your area. Sometimes, the person may need medical advice to learn better-coping skills to reduce their levels of anxiety. You can also take the help of anxiety or an antidepressant to tackle this problem after consulting with a health professional, especially if there is some other mental illness. In this type of therapy, the therapist can learn about the hidden trauma and grief that may have given rise to Philophobia symptoms in the patient. This is a kind of simple talk therapy where the therapist helps to develop awareness in you about the nature of your irrational fear.

This one throws out the rule book and does not allow you to even participate in a verbal tête-à-tête, which can be immensely super frustrating. But if Raj’s journey is anything to go by, this can be overcome as well with proper help and guidance. Philophobia mostly stems from traumatic experiences in previous relationships and the crippling fear of rejection. You can work toward overcoming this fear by convincing yourself that one bad incident from the past doesn’t define your entire love life or all your future potential partners.

Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Love

Of course, life has a cute, charming way of making things unnecessarily complicated, so there are about one million different stages you can undergo within the “hooking up” and “dating” stages. But overall, odds are you’re doing something that falls under one of the two umbrellas. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today.

It’s the act of going on lots of dates with one person.

The Genesis is that I got heartbroken by someone I’ve loved unconditionally for half a decade, busy making plans and working hard to build a family with. I’ve felt chemistry with someone and then am repelled by the fear of loving again. And I began to push people away or become distant myself. I feel terrible because I’m a single mother and I Want for my son to have the type of home I grew up in. Maybe the reason that you fear falling in love is because of what you’ve gone through while growing up. And maybe that reason causes you to fear of what you yourself may do.

Nevertheless, there are still many different forms of treatment that can help to significantly improve many of the symptoms of philophobia. Some of these treatments include exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy , and some psychiatric medications, among others. A Psychologist https://onlinedatingcritic.com/ with a master’s degree in Psychology, a former school psychologist, and a teacher by profession Chandrani loves to live life simply and happily. Writing has always been a passion for her, since her school days. It helps to de-stress and keeps her mentally agile.

It is actually one of the more common phobias related to love but it often does not present too strongly. But for some folks, it does, and that is where the fear of falling in love begins to dominate their decision-making in relationships. If you feel that love would always lead to heartbreak, it is important to understand that this can be an anxiety disorder, one that is characterized as persistent and irrational. It can also be triggered by a previous painful experience and take an ugly turn if neglected. According to a study, almost 12.5% of Americans suffer from any one type of specific phobia like pistanthrophobia. There are no specific medical tests to diagnose philophobia.

People who have this phobia can become prone to pursuing more than one partner for romantic love. But each time they may be heartbroken sooner than expected. Philophobia possesses several traits similar to all other specific phobias, especially those making a social impact.

The positive mindset of the person does play a vital role in recovery. Thus, it is advisable to stay strong and seek support from friends and family whenever needed. They are told to focus on the negative thoughts and fears surrounding lovemaking, social connections, physical intimacy, etc. Some computer-simulated situations will be shown to the person where fictitious characters will be seen facing the romantic partner.

It is similar to yet different from other phobias. Philophobia, the fear of falling in love and developing emotional connections, may result in both mental and physical symptoms, such as the following. Especially if you think you’re struggling with an underlying mental health disorder that’s keeping you from investing yourself in relationships, it is pertinent to address it. The impact of a person with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style is the same as the impact of a person with philophobia. Does this mean that the fear of love can be directly traced back to a person’s parents? Remember, this is just one theory in psychology about how people see and form relationships.

Anxiety and panic attacks sound familiar, so does finding it hard to open up. Still, just as a 16-year-old, my story has had a happy ending; my boyfriend. Rare guys have such a patience, and from the first time when we spoke about love as friends, he immediately saw I was philophobic. Because of his care and help everything is almost alright now, and I don’t fear loving / falling in love anymore. My fear of falling in love runs so deep that just thinking about it often gives me panic attacks.

Then we once tried again making everything clear but just wouldn’t work. When we were about to be a couple, I turned him down again because of the fear growing inside of me. The one is my classmate the other was an old classmate. I knew my classmate – Cliff had a crush on me so as early as i knew, i told him i had someone i loved but that was a lie because i was afraid to break our friendship. The old one – Jay he asked me if i was serious and i didn’t know what to answer, nervous and scared not knowing i told him no which disappointed him. I really want romance but i just don’t know how to start and how i can overcome my nervousness, fear, and all of these unexplainable feelings.

Acknowledging your anxiety

As a result, our relationships are often strained or distant. All the comments here really touch me emotionally because I can sympathize with these feelings. I’m by far no psychotherapist but I want to try my best to help you (even if this post was made last year and isn’t up-to-date at all, maybe I can ease some complications for other people too).
