The Name-Letter Effect: Why People Prefer Partners With Similar Names

I have a strong “logical morality” and do not wish harm to anyone, but I do come first and don’t commonly feel guilt or remorse. This seems to work in most areas of my life, but dating is a problem. By all recognizable accounts I am easygoing, successful, charming, and normal. However, I do not feel love the way I imagine many people do. My love for someone peaks around the two-month mark in the relationship and I can feel that way for nearly anyone who meets my dating criteria.

” when they find out we have the same name. Idk if queer people are just more polite or what, or if they’re more likely to have considered that hey, dating someone with the same name is a possibility for me. Completely agree with Valerie though – it was never weird cause I don’t really refer to myself in the third person? Usually only the occasional weirdness from weird straight people about it.

Blair has the most impeccable style and she would without a doubt require her citizens to adopt her fashion sense. I’d give it a week before every girl in the state started matching their headbands to their handbags. First of Blair all doesn’t mess around. She has the drive to be the best and that sort of ambition is needed in a leader.

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Then we met in person and it didn’t work out. I don’t think the name thing had much bearing on it, though. Also, my very first crush had the same first AND middle name as me. If you ask Sally if you can buy her a drink, for example, and she declines and explains that she has a bad history with alcohol, that’s okay. But if Sally is telling you her deepest, darkest secrets just to make idle conversation, it may signal that her definition of personal boundaries is much different than yours.

When you fill out a profile on one of these sites, it can be extremely detailed. These sites will often ask you to list the city you live in, your date of birth, marital status, gender, and even more detailed information, such as if you own pets or have children. It may seem rather invasive, but it helps the site match you with people in your area and help you narrow down criteria in member searches.

As a writer at, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle in their lives too. Sylvia believes that every couple can transform their relationship into a happier, healthier one by taking purposeful and wholehearted action. Just remember, you have to be honest and make sure you enjoy the process of looking for love, finding love, and staying in love.

You use nicknames so you don’t feel like you’re saying your own name all the time.

Instead of wanting to connect with you, the other person’s attention is on other things like their phone or the TV. From a family with similar values to yours, rather than someone from a specific ethnic or social background. Curious rather than extremely intelligent.

However, if you only notice a few red flags, or they’re not glaring, they may be a product of nervousness or circumstance. Give them a chance to relax and get comfortable being themselves around you. Keep your eye out, but don’t abandon ship every time you see one flapping in the wind.

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When both people know what they want from the relationship and feel comfortable expressing their needs, fears, and desires, it can increase trust and strengthen the bond between you. This can give you permission to start talking about how your co-worker is a show-off or how the lunch in the cafe was so bad. Don’t include this in your first-date topics. Make sure that when you’re having a conversation, you look into the other person’s eyes. If you’re looking away or looking at your phone, it just looks dishonest. No one appreciates having a date that’s late.

The early stages of a relationship are all about getting to know each other’s likes and dislikes, but that can’t happen if your date only talks, thinks and cares about themselves. Many of you pointed out this obvious red flag, but selfishness can actually manifest a lot of different ways. Basically, if they don’t value money the way you do, that’s a bad sign.

As with the previously mentioned study, these findings also determined personality similarities weren’t crucial for relationship happiness in the long run. More important to relationship satisfaction? You and your partner having complementary personality traits — but not necessarily the same ones. The study found that overall, if you are conscientious (you’re fair, you do the right thing) and agreeable then you’re more likely to be happy in your relationship. As for qualities that your partner possesses, the more neurotic your partner is, the less likely you are to be happy and satisfied with your relationship. In some ways, I did hit the jackpot — but the excitement didn’t last long.

My dating history has been a rotation of Brittany, Jennifer, Brittany, and now Jennifer forever more. Not dating Jen would have been a terrible mistake and I imagine folks happily dating folks of the same name probably feel the same way. It’s just not a line I would cross myself. Turns out her name was Jordan and she was in an open relationship with someone named Jordan.

It’s one of those rules that is often being forgotten by many. Make a good impression by talking, listening, looking great, being fresh, and presentable. Enjoy your date and avoid any topics that might insinuate a debate. Be positive, and you’ll see how this attitude can affect your time together. One of our top tips on how to date is to focus on your date and stop checking your phone.

So basically they are cousins who are not related by blood but rather by marriage. They might also refer to themselves as “domestic partners.” Relationships between siblings of any kind are always special because of the intimacy that exists between them. Even though they are not physically connected through blood, they can still feel these emotions deeply because they understand each other so well. If you’ve been chatting up a potential sweetheart for a while, and they continually put off meeting in real life, this could be a red flag. To help verify the identity of the person that you’re talking to, ask for a recent photo.
