New Research Has Revealed The Acceptable Age For Who You Can Date

Nowhere i was consciously choosing, they chose me! All these times i was pushing them away.. The older, the manipulator..really my mind is in huge conflicts..

Im 30 years old and my 19 year old mate was inlove with me for foir months and we dating long distance and its our love thats keeping us hoojng for the future. Its nice to know im not the only one whose dating younger men. I am sorry you have been treated poorly. For the great quality ladies who just want love too, it’s also tough for us. I have high respect for the military. Many in my family have served or are currently serving.

“I had kids younger than I maybe wanted to.”

I’ve been together for 15 years now, with my boyfriend who is 8 years older than I am. But at others, its pretty amazing. And i don’t know what i’d do without him. He makes life more fun and has definitely brought back part of my life i missed out on. My boyfriend of almost three years is 4 years younger than me.

True Story: I’m in an open marriage

No, I shouldn’t settle but neither should the ladies. When most of the people here are married or have a girlfriend, the odds go down. David….Evidently my statement wasn’t very clear. I do enjoy sex and I crave that closeness with a loving partner….that union, bond, giving and receiving pleasure.

I don’t know when it happened, but I rarely see any woman 40 and up that I find that physically attractive anymore. But I did not plan or want to go younger. Women dating younger men should be careful. Eventually some biological switch will go off in them, and they will suddenly see the woman as too old for them.

She was younger and very good looking. I had to break up with her, I wanted it to work out. The more I got to know her and after I started to take down the blinders. I realized that she had a ton of issues beyond my control. Knowing how difficult it is for me, to just get a date with someone. I knew it was best for me to end it with this girl.

But just because you like them does not always mean society will view your relationship in the same positive light — and this is something to prepare for. Unfortunately, even though we are progressing as a society, there are still people who are judgemental when it comes to obvious age differences in dating. “Within every couple, regardless of age, there’s always someone who wants more sex or less sex,” Hendrix says.

My experience with dating in mid life has been shaped by some wonderful women , all withing a few years of my age. They have taught me that authenticity is the path to connection and without connection ,attraction fades quickly. This is how a great deal of the older dating world operates , on a lather- rinse- repeat cycle. The juicy part of love comes when you realize that a good woman wants your heart and a really great one will help show you the way to give it . I’m a simple hard working woman who appreciates a hard working man, that doesn’t need the glam to be happy.

Sure it was crappy to go through it, but it is SO over. My life even to this date has not turned out the way I expected but I still have hope for the future and have lots of great relationships and interests in my life that make me happy. I too find it difficult to date in my 50’s. I fell in love with a man 2 years ago who is the same age as me, lots in common, but we did end up going our separate ways. He was newly divorced and was not considering getting into a relationship and wanted to sew his oats.

Confirmed Bachelor – You are spot on. 75% of all divorces that occur after the age of 50 are initiated by the woman. The internet is riddled with articles on female hypergamy.

Either they are content to be alone and play around or they don’t have the balls to take on another relationship that requires work and dedication, all because they have been hurt. But I still know how to treat a man…with respect, understanding, and acceptance. Dealing with men in their 50’s to try for something meaningful has been a big disappointment for me at 52. There are still good women left, but I suppose they are as rare as the good men these days.

As I get really old I wonder what I am doing. I feel almost embarrassed by my choices in life. Well I am 53 Male with no ED issues.
