Hexagonal Architecture What Is It? Why Should You Use It?

We started with the Domain layer, where we saw the definitions for our entities and repository interfaces and exceptions. Now we only have one more layer left to complete our Onion architecture implementation. We have already prepared a working project for you and we’re going to be looking at each of the projects in the solution, and talking about how they https://globalcloudteam.com/ fit into the Onion architecture. The flow of dependencies dictates what a certain layer in the Onion architecture can do. Because it depends on the layers below it in the hierarchy, it can only call the methods that are exposed by the lower layers. Yes, Infact you should use a Repository pattern always to keep a nice abstraction over the database.

Advantages of onion architecture

C# programmers are drawn to Onion Architecture due to the dependency flows. If you are interested in learning more C# while working with the Onion Architecture, visit the TechRepublic Academy. The repository layer act as a middle layer between the service layer and model objects. We will maintain all the database migrations and database context Objects in this layer.

The idea is to have all of your domain objects at this core. Besides the domain objects, you also could have domain interfaces. Domain objects are also flat as they should be, without any heavy code or dependencies. The layer is intended to create an abstraction layer between the Domain entities layer and the Business Logic layer of an application.

Why do developers use onion architecture?

You could say that it’s another approach to solving a business problem. If you apply a change to the core, it will affect all the outer layers. That’s because the whole application focuses on logic, so any wrong action could break it down. The outer layer is like a separate part of the whole application logic. It doesn’t depend much on the previous layers, so you can easily swap databases and other details.

  • This tempts developers to let the boundaries between the layers weaken, especially when they are pressed for time.
  • You could also change the database you use or add another one if you need it.
  • We first need to calculate the price including tax computation/discounts, etc., save order items and send order confirmation notification to the customer.
  • I don’t think I have seen such an in-depth explanation anywhere.
  • Keeping BloodDonorRepository class in your Inftrastructure layer is wrong.
  • Database migration should be handled by your CI/CD pipeline.

It means two objects are independent and an object can use another object without being dependent on it. I chose to couple the presenter to the service locator by using the static DependencyResolver class. Someone out there right now is screaming, “static classes are evil! This scenario makes testability easy because the DependencyResolver static class does nothing more than delegate its work to an IDependencyResolver implementation . The application core deals exclusively with business topics.

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It solves the problem of separation of concern as there is a separation between UI, business logic, and data access logic. The Model is used to pass the data between View and Controller on which the business logic performs any operations. The Controller is used to handle the web request by action methods and returns View accordingly. Hence, it solves the problem of separation of concern while the Controller is still used to database access logic. In essence, MVC solves the separation of concern issue but the tight coupling issue still remains.

Advantages of onion architecture

All dependencies are specified in the gradle configuration and build files. Please refer to this actual source of truth regarding the current dependencies, since this README might be out of date. To show the relevant patterns, the project has as few as possible dependencies. The implemented functions and use cases are kept very simple for the same reason.

Domain Layer

It refers to the business knowledge that our software is trying to model. Domain-Driven Design centres on the domain model that has a rich understanding of the processes and rules of a domain. Onion architecture implements this concept and dramatically increases code quality, reduces complexity and enables evolutionary enterprise systems. Service Layer – Service layer is used to hold the business logic of the application and also used to set communication between presentation and repository layer.

Advantages of onion architecture

Domain services are orchestrated by application services to serve business use-case. They are NOT typically CRUD services and are usually standalone services. Outer layer data formats should not be used by inner layers. Data formats used in an API can vary from those used in a DB for persistence.

Now we can see when we hit the GetAllStudent Endpoint we can see the data of students from the database in the form of JSON projects. For the Domain layer, we need to add the library project to our application. A complete implementation would be provided onion architecture to the application at run time. Onion architecture provides us with the batter maintainability of code because code depends on layers. Now, we create an index view, as per the code snippet, mentioned below under the User folder of views.

The Essence of Onion Architecture

Talk was well received and I had a many request to write a step by step blog post on the same. In this blog post is written in simplest words and will help you in implementing onion architecture in ASP.NET MVC application. Even though theme of this post is ASP.NET MVC, you can use the core, infrastructure and the test project with other kind of applications as well like WCF or WPF. The most interesting thing to notice that there are no special references in this project, and the domain objects are flat objects as they should be, without any heavy code or dependencies. Domain Layer– At the very core is the Domain layer which holds all of your domain objects.

Advantages of onion architecture

So you can’t just swap out the DAL because you need the one with the abstractions. And you can’t just duplicate the interfaces in the new DAL for compiled languages because then just naming something the same doesn’t make it the same to the compiler. The Onion.Factory sample is a very simple Domain Driven Design application which follows the onion architecture pattern.

Domain services

The DbContext must have an instance of DbContextOptions in order to execute. We will use dependency injection, so we pass options via constructor dependency injection. ASP.NET Core is designed from the ground to support and leverage dependency injection. Thus, we create generic repository interface for the entity operations, so that we can develop loosely coupled application. The code snippet, mentioned below is for the IRepository interface. My repositories deal with and provide persistence for a rich domain model.


The UI cannot function if the business logic is not available. The business logic in return cannot function if the data access is not available. We gracefully ignore the infrastructure because typically it varies from system to system. When we analyze the architecture above in retrospective, we detect that the database layer is becoming the core foundation of the whole application structure. Any change on the data access / infrastructure layer will affect all other layer of the application and therefore changes ripple through from the bottom to the top of the application. Other books or articles may name it differently but we will stick to that definition.

The actual type of database and the way of storing data is determined at the upper infrastructure level. Domain Entities are the fundamental building block of Domain-Driven Design and they’re used to model concepts of your Ubiquitous Language in code. Entities are Domain concepts that have a unique identity in the problem domain. Domain entities encapsulate attributes and entity behaviour. It is supposed to be independent of specific technologies like databases or web APIs. Order is an entity and has attributes like OrderId, Address, UserInfo, OrderItems, PricingInfo and behaviour like AddOrderItems, GetPricingInfo, ValidateOrder, etc.

The objective is to enhance coupling inside a vertical slice across layers while minimizing coupling across layers. The circles symbolize distinct levels of responsibility. The deeper we go, the more we know about the domain and business rules. The outer rings are mechanisms , whereas the inside circles are fundamental domain logic. The outer layers rely on the inner layers, and the inner layers are unaffected by any changes being introduced in the outer rings.

And in the Startup class/ ConfigureServices method of the WebApi Just Add the following line. You can now see the advantage of this kind of approach. Here we will just Add Mediator to the service collection.

In the following sections, you will learn how the hexagonal architecture achieves these goals. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. In this way we’ll end by hundreds of new architectures just by combining all OO Principals and Go4 patterns to the Entreprise Application Architectures. Furthermore the Onion Architecture is based on the principles of Domain Driven Design. Applying those principles makes only sense if the application has a certain size and complexity.